PNE AG - Ein Onshore Windpark auf Feldern
Wind energy

PNE AG commences construction of two further wind farms with 59 MW in Poland

The PNE Group, which operates internationally in the development and operation of renewable energy projects, is starting construction of two further wind farms in ...

PNE AG - Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens in Cuxhaven

PNE AG with successful operational development in the first nine months of 2020

PNE AG, which is internationally active in the development and operation of renewable energy projects, is on target after the first nine months of ...

PNE AG - Ein Onshore Windpark auf Feldern
Wind energy

PNE AG strengthens its position in the field of power purchase agreements (PPA)

PNE AG has further strengthened its position in the business of brokering power purchase agreements (PPAs). The company has recently concluded contracts with ...

PNE AG - Ein Onshore Windpark auf Feldern
Own operation
Wind energy

PNE AG: The portfolio of internally operated wind farms is being expanded

PNE AG continues to expand its portfolio of internally operated wind farms. Construction of the "Boitzenhagen" wind farm with approx. 25 MW began at the end of September. The recently approved "Zahrenholz" ...

PNE AG - Offshore Windpark auf dem Meer
Wind energy

PNE AG: Successful constitutional appeal against the provisions of WindSeeG

Today, the Federal Constitutional Court published a Senate resolution regarding constitutional appeal against the provisions of WindSeeG (file no. 1 BvR 1679/17). PNE welcomes ...

PNE AG - Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens in Cuxhaven

Challenging first half of 2020 in operational and financial terms successfully closed

PNE AG, which is internationally active in the development and operation of renewable energy projects, closed the first half of 2020 successfully and according to plan. This shows ...

PNE AG - Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens in Cuxhaven
Investor Relations

PNE AG: General meeting of shareholders approves dividend

The general meeting of shareholders of the internationally operating project developer PNE AG took place on May 20, 2020 in the form of an online meeting. The shareholders voted ...

PNE AG - Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens in Cuxhaven

Creditreform renews PNE rating

Creditreform Rating confirmed the corporate rating of PNE AG with BB and positive outlook in the context of the rating update. The reasons for this rating assessment are the positive ...

PNE AG - Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens in Cuxhaven

PNE AG has a dynamic start to the 2020 fiscal year

PNE AG, which is internationally active in the development and operation of renewable energy projects, has made a dynamic start to the 2020 fiscal year. This is shown by ...

PNE AG - Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens in Cuxhaven
Investor Relations

PNE AG will hold a purely virtual Annual General Meeting on May 20

Due to the spread of the novel Corona virus, PNE AG will be holding its Annual General Meeting in the form of a purely virtual general meeting this year. Against this background ...